The Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE) was founded in 1944. It was incorporated in 1953 as a Learned Society or Professional Body for Engineering Professionals in the then Rhodesia. ZIE is housed at CONQUENAR House, 256 Samora Machel Ave East in Eastlea, Harare. The Institution is a private professional body made up of its members. Operations and membership are regulated by a Private Act of Parliament and is in turn regulated by the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe (ECZ), mandated by the Engineering Council Act 27:22. ZIE is a multi-disciplinary Institution covering all engineering disciplines. It is as a Learned Society similar in many ways to other Professional Associations in the country and elsewhere.

ZIE Purpose

It is the purpose of the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers to:

  • promote and maintain appropriate standards of engineering competence,
  • promote the advancement of Engineering and facilitate the transfer and dissemination of engineering knowledge,
  • raise the character and status of the engineering profession and promote public awareness and confidence in Engineering, and
  • Ensure that correct standards of professional conduct and ethics are adhered to.

ZIE’s Corporate Mandate

ZIE is mandated by the Private Act 27:16 read together with SI 88 of 1987 to:

  • Monitor engineering education, training and manpower needs and activities of the country,
  • Act in an advisory capacity to Government, Industry and Educational Institutions, Offer career guidance to schools, polytechnics and universities,
  • Initiate and administer technical conferences, congresses, seminars, workshops, continuing professional development courses (CPDs) and lectures for the benefit of its members, and the profession at large, and ensure stakeholders’ participation in existing for a for the development of the engineering profession.


To be a credible Engineering Institution whose members are leading players in sustainable growth in Zimbabwe and beyond.


To enable its members to provide innovative and economic engineering solutions to challenges whilst upholding high standards and ethical values.

Confidentiality, Ethical, Excellency, Integrity, Transparency and Professional Development

ZIE International Membership

The Institution affiliates to several engineering bodies both regionally and internationally. Named below are some of such engineering organizations :

  • Southern Africa Federation of Engineering Organizations (SAFEO) Federation of African Engineering Organizations (FAEO)
  • World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) Commonwealth Engineers Council (CEC)
  • World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE)
  • African Engineering Education Association (AEEA) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • Close links with many other Engineering Institutions worldwide e.g., Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), Botswana Institute of Engineers (BIE), Engineers Institute of Zambia (EIZ) and Malawi Institution of Engineers (MIE).

All in all, ZIE has benefitted much and shared notes on the international best standards in Engineering.

ZIE Membership

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