At inception, membership with the Institution used to be voluntary because the Institution is governed by a Private Act of Parliament (ZIE Act 27:16 of 1963, Chapter 216 and as amended, read together with SI 88 of 1987 – see attachments) and members were not statutorily obliged to register with the Institution. With the passage of time, the government saw the need to govern the engineering profession due to disasters that were

At inception, membership with the Institution used to be voluntary because the Institution is governed by a Private Act of Parliament (ZIE Act 27:16 of 1963, Chapter 216 and as amended, read together with SI 88 of 1987 – see attachments) and members were not statutorily obliged to register with the Institution. With the passage of time, the government saw the need to govern the engineering profession due to disasters that were happening in relation to the country’s infrastructure and elsewhere. Resultantly, the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe (ECZ) was instituted through the Engineering Council.

Act Chapter 27:22 (read together with SI 153 of 2012) which came into effect in 2009.  Act 27:22 (see attachment)holds that all engineering practitioners must be registered with the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe through its constituent bodies. The Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers being one of the ECZ constituent bodies, it implies that all engineering professionals need to register with ZIE first prior to being registered with the Engineering Council. Consequently, this makes registration with ZIE and ECZ compulsory or obligatory.

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