Person undertaking a course of study in an engineering field which will eventually qualify them for some other professional grades of membership are entitled to join the Institution as a Student.  

How to Apply

Return the attached form to ZIE duly completed together with the USD 15.00 or ZWL equivalent, at the prevailing Interbank Rate, as a once-off ZIE Student Member registration fee.

The fee covers the duration of your study. Upon completion of your studies, you will then upgrade your status to Graduate Member (GZweIE) upon payment of the requisite annual subscriptions.

ZIE funds are payable in cash or bank deposit into:

Bank: Standard Chartered Bank
Branch: Africa Unity Square – Harare
ZWL$ A/C No: 0100 21676 4300
A/C Name: The Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers

N.B. E-mail or bring to ZIE evidence of having made a bank deposit to facilitate the issuance of receipt.

ZIE Merchant Code: 32357

(Write the payment confirmation details on top of your form)

Application Forms

ZIE Membership

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