Annual Dinner and Awards Giving Ceremony
The Institution holds an Annual Dinner and Awards Ceremony where they honor engineering projects and engineering professionals of repute. The event allows for members networking, sharing of ideas and interactions. Over the years the Dinner has been oversubscribed with over four hundred delegates in attendance. The individuals will be representatives from different companies and different engineering disciplines.
Networking from this professional gathering has seen huge partnerships between the engineering professionals/companies with different service providers like insurance companies, law firms and project managers, among others.
Soccer and Golf Tournaments
The events are organized annually for members to meet and socialize in an environment that is different from the usual working environment. The events have received tremendous support from the engineering fraternity and from companies that employ engineers.
Biennial Congress and Conference
Every calendar year the Institution hosts a professional gathering for its members. The Congress and Conference are biennial. In 2019 the Institution hosted the ZIE 10th Biennial Congress on 24-27 September, at Monomotapa Hotel, Harare, under the theme: The Role of Engineering Professionals: Fundamental Duties for National Development. The Congress brought together engineering professionals, policy makers, academia and scientific researchers to identify solutions for leapfrogging infrastructure availability for supporting rapid economic growth, employment creation and equity in Zimbabwe and inspiring professional action towards desired socio-economic trajectory. Resource persons were drawn from various government ministries, academia, built environment, ICT and the industry. It is the Institution’s quest to participate in the implementation of the Central Government’s rapid and state of the art infrastructural development call.
The Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE) holds the National Engineering Students Awards Competition annually for Engineering Faculties/Departments. At its maiden event in 2014, there were only four participating institutions, namely University of Zimbabwe, Chinhoyi University of Technology, National University of Science and Technology and Harare Institute of Technology. Currently there are more additional institutions participating in NESAC namely Lupane State University, Midlands State University Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences, Bindura University of Science Education, Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic and Gweru Polytechnic, Zimbabwe National Defense Forces University, TelOne Centre for Learning and The Polytechnics that are participating Harare, Mutare, Bulawayo, Kwekwe, Joshua Mquabuko Nkomo Polytechnic and Masvingo. The universities compete on their own at BSc and B. Tech levels, while the polytechnics participate at ND and HND level. Most of the projects have demonstrated
Dr Shelly Gondo and Dr Gloria Kodzwa with a NESAC 2019 Participant
capability to resolve Zimbabwe’s common engineering problems.
Competitions such as the SAICE coordinated Bridge Building Competition and the Aquarium/Water Competition, are held annually for High School STEM Students. The competitions are meant to promote awareness of engineering creativity; promote career guidance and development; promote awareness of infrastructure development and its relevance to society; encourage teamwork and innovative ideas; create platform for participants to interact and importantly have fun and enjoy STEM subjects.