ZIE Publications

To act as a vehicle for the dissemination of information to students, academics, practicing engineering professionals, to learned societies and to the public, the Institution has two flagship journal publications, namely: The ZIE Journal of Science, Engineering & Technology (ZIE- JSET) -ISSN 2306-5893 and the Zimbabwe Engineer Magazine. ZIE- JSET is the only official refereed journal of the Institution. All the papers that appear in the publication would have been refereed or peer reviewed by local, regional and international experts in the fields covered and will have been recommended for publication. Resultantly, ZIE encourages researchers, practitioners and other professionals involved in engineering matters to submit high quality papers, at any time, for publication in the ZIE JSET. Papers can cover any area of engineering. Papers must be submitted by electronic mail. After final acceptance, a final version will also be sent electronically.

The Zimbabwe Engineer, on one hand, publishes articles and technical papers from its members and built environment stakeholders. The magazine is a quarterly publication, scheduled for the 30th of April, August and November, annually. It is the main purpose of such articles to create debate on engineering issues, aimed at ensuring that engineering professionals partake in a big way in relative socio-economic development of humanity. Manuscripts for both the ZIE JSET and the Zimbabwe Engineer should be submitted to the ZIE Editor-in-Chief through the ZIE website publication portal at www.zie.org.zw. Alternatively, they may be relayed through zie@zie.co.zw for the requisite review and editing by the ZIE Editorial Committee and a pool of discipline- specific Professional Engineers/Peer-Reviewers.

Expert Engineering Consultancy and Employment Opportunities

The Institution is often first port of call for clients looking for expert engineering consultants, contractors and job seeking engineering professionals. Dissemination of client request is made through the ZIE Bulk Email system that hits more than 8 000 active emails at the click of a button.

General Networking with Colleagues and Specialists

Members are provided with opportunities to network with leaders in one’s field of specialisation. This is realised through participation in ZIE convened meetings, colloquiums, CPD workshops, conferences and congresses. The meetings are complimented by regular site visits to diverse engineering projects. Members are given the chance to interface with potential clients, employers and employees. Additionally, they are afforded the opportunity to access relevant specialized publications through ZIE offices.

Professional Branding

Membership to ZIE, particularly by the ECZ licensable grades, gives practising Engineers, Technologist and Technicians some identifiable professional branding. This

builds the deserved trust with clients on face value. Members have the privilege to add letters Eng. Techno. or Tech. before one’s names indicating one’s membership to the Professional Body. ECZ registered members have the prerogative to use Pr.Eng., Eng. Techno, or Eng. Tech.

Engineering Prowess Enhancement

By taking up voluntary participation in leadership and management opportunities within the ZIE structures, members broaden one’s horizons, both professionally and as good citizens. They develop soft skills such as public disposition, public speaking and relative people and time management competencies.

ZIE Membership

Use our handy tool to find the membership grade that best matches your experience. There's a membership grade to suit everyone from a Student, Member to Fellows.