ZIE is managed by a Board which is made up of 16 members, elected biannually form the generality of its membership. The Board is comprised of representatives for Universities and Polytechnics offering engineering education in the country, representative from the Women in Engineering, six members of the Executive Committee, representative of the Research Institutions in the country and members elected by the other members. Named in the table below is the Institution’s standing Executive Committee.

ZIE Standing Executive Committee

Eng Farai MavhiyaPresident
Dr Eng. William Msekiwa GoriwondoDeputy President
Dr Engineer Tammy Mary StevensonSenior Vice-President
Dr Eng. Mavellas SibandaVice-President
Eng. Chamu MhukaTreasurer
Eng. Tamsanqa MpalaImmediate Past President
Dr Eng, S. DiarraChief Executive Officer
 Eng. Ignatious C. Maponga Board Member
 Dr. Eng. Antony Mamuse Institutional Representative
 Dr. Eng. Edmund Shingirayi Maputi Institutional Representative –
 Eng. T. Zvavashe Institutional Representative –
Research Institutions
 Engineer Charity Chennai Chigwada Board Member
 Eng. Simbarashe Gomo Board Member
 Engineer Callisto Muzongondi Institutional Representative –
 Eng. Fred Mukonoweshuro ZIE Chapters’ Representative –
UK Branch Chairman
 Eng. Kevin Simbarashe Mutete ZIE Areas’ Representative – ZIE
Mashonaland Area Chairman

ZIE recognizes that for the structure to be effective there is need for effective coordination between the Executive Committee (EXCO), Board, Secretariat, Areas and Branches. Resultantly a corporate organogram (Figure 3) was instituted to be representative of the ZIE membership strata in the ZIE Board.

ZIE Membership

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